Find Luvs or your favorite diaper coupons online.
Knowing how to get free diaper coupons will save you hundreds of dollars while your child is in diapers. Diapers are so expensive and babies and toddlers go through many of them in a day. Save as much money as you can by collecting coupons before you head for the store.
CHECK THE PACKAGE - Many times I have found coupons for dollars off of diapers attached to the outside of the package. I know that having a new baby is a busy time, but when you slow down enough to see the outside of the diaper package, you may just notice a diaper coupon stuck on the front.
CHECK WITH THE MANUFACTURER - Go to the manufacturers website or call their toll free phone number to find out if they have some coupons available. You may be able to find printable coupons online for diapers.
SEARCH THE NEWSPAPER ADS - Always check the newspaper ads. There are always diaper coupons in the newspaper.
WATCH YOUR MAIL - Sign up with all of your favorite diaper manufacturers such as Luvs, Pampers and Huggies, to get free information and coupons in the mail. You will receive the best diaper coupons you have ever found right in your mail box.
DON'T GET STUCK IN A RUT - Do not always purchase your diapers at the same location. Sometimes, even after you have already thoroughly checked prices at every store, someone changes their pricing and diapers are automatically cheaper at another location. Do not get stuck in a rut by always purchasing your diapers at the same location.
FREE DIAPERS - Always purchase your diapers at a store that offers the item free if they over charge you for your purchase. On more than one occasion, I have received a large package of diapers free because the wrong price was rung up on the register and I received the item free.
Never buy diapers without a coupon, whenever you see a newspaper lying around, raid it for the diaper coupons.
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