Saturday, April 17, 2010

How to Use Coupons While Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping doesn't have to break your budget every week. Coupons are a little known secret that can literally cut your grocery bill in half or even less. You'll be able to go grocery shopping with confidence and still have a few dollars left over.

Find all the sales papers for the local stores you frequent. Circle the items that are on your list and the items that can be used later that are on sale. Sort and group these items on your grocery list according to matches. For instance, put all of the fruits and vegetables together, canned goods together, etc.

Cut out and match up any coupons that go with the sales. Pay special attention to the coupons for the items that are doubled by the grocery store.

Put the coupons in an organizer to make it easier to handle as you shop. Keep them sorted according to relevance and value.

Shop for all items that are double-coupon or special prices first. Since these tend to run out quicker, make this your first stop as you begin shopping.

Match the prices to the sales circular and to your coupon as you shop. Pay close attention to what amount each item should be. Note the amount next to your item on your grocery checklist.

Check the prices along with the cashier as your order is being tallied. Verify that each item's amount the amount you have on your list. If there are any discrepancies, bring it to the cashier's attention immediately to avoid any problems at the end of your order.

Read the full original article here.

How to Use Grocery Coupons Efficiently

Everyone knows coupons help save money at the grocery store. But, some coupons can be more harmful than helpful if they prompt you to spend more money than you normally would or if you end up buying things you don't need just because you have a coupon.

Purchase the smallest size of a product when using a coupon. If you have a coupon for $1 off, and the small size of a product costs $2 and the larger size costs $3.50, then buy the smaller size. You will only spend $1 total instead of $2.50. Buy the larger sizes when you do not have a coupon to take advantage of the lower per-unit cost. Remember, the goal of coupons is to lower your overall grocery cost, not to raise it.

Use coupons to buy items that you normally use. If you are already planning to buy a specific item, a coupon is the icing on the cake. If coupons make you purchase items, which you do not normally buy, are you really saving money? The exception is if the coupon truly is an exceptional value or the product is on sale.

Bring coupons for a variety of brands of the same product. Say you need dish washing detergent, and you are not particular about which brand you buy. Bring several coupons for different brands of soap, and use the coupon for the soap that ends up being the best buy. Flexibility about brand loyalty will help save money at the grocery store.

Shop at stores that offer double or triple coupons. There is no sense in using a 40-cent coupon at a store that does not offer double coupons when you could have gotten 80 cents off elsewhere. An exception to this rule-if you find a grocery store which does not offer double coupons, but it is so cheap in general that the overall price of a product is still cheaper when using a "regular" coupon, then switch to this grocery store!

Take all your coupons with you to the grocery store organized in an accordion file by product type. Even if you are not planning to buy toilet paper, the store may be having a phenomenal sale on TP, and you may want to buy a package. The deal is made even sweeter if you also have a coupon on hand for the sale item.

Consider the value of a coupon. If a coupon demands you buy a large quantity of an item, divide the amount of the coupon by the number of items to get the per-item discount. Then ask yourself if this a good deal. If you buy four boxes of cereal to get $1 off, you are only saving 25 cents per box for four boxes of cereal that you may not even need.

Consider generic products. Often they are cheaper than name-brand products, even with a coupon. This author finds generic flour, sugar, foil, sandwich bags, over-the-counter medicines, milk, cheese, canned veggies and rice to be just as good as their name-brand counterparts. Do not let a coupon lure you into buying a more expensive brand name if an equally quality generic brand would suffice.

Read the full original article here.

How to Find Diaper Coupons Online

A new baby can be expensive. But fortunately, there's some very easy ways to save money on diapers without switching to cloth diapers. Diaper coupons, when used on a regular basis, can help new parents save money on diapers in a big way. But where do you find diaper coupons and good deals on diapers? The internet, of course! Keep reading to find out where to find printable coupons for diapers and how to find coupons for diapers on manufacturers' websites.

FIND A STORE THAT ACCEPTS PRINTED COUPONS FROM THE INTERNET. Not all stores accept printable coupons for diapers and other products as a result of fraud incidents involving printed coupons. So before you go to the trouble of finding diaper coupons online and printing out coupons from the web, you'll want to call or visit local stores to find out if they accept printed coupons.

SAVE MONEY ON DIAPERS BY VISITING THE MANUFACTURER'S WEBSITE FOR COUPONS. Find diaper coupons online by visiting the website for your favorite diaper brand. Pampers, Huggies, Luvs and other diaper brands have their own website where parents can find diaper coupons that are good at virtually all stores that sell that particular diaper brand.

PRINT COUPONS FROM THE INTERNET. Once you find a diaper coupon online at the diaper manufacturer's website, print the coupon and place it in your coupon organizer or purse for use on your next shopping trip.

FOR ONLINE SHOPPERS, USE AN ONLINE COUPON CODE FOR DIAPERS. offers great prices and savings on diapers. Parents can save money on diapers by purchasing diapers online and using online coupon codes for brands like Pampers and Huggies, among others.

Read the full original article here.

How to Save Money with Coupons

Clipping coupons can trim your grocery bills if you have the time, discipline and patience. Keep track of the money you save, then reward yourself every now and then. You deserve it!

Set up an easy-to-use system to organize your coupons. Keep it near your car keys as a handy reminder before you go shopping.

Scour newspapers, magazines, coupon mailers, food packaging, grocery store receipts and the Internet for coupons.

Clip coupons only for products you'd buy anyhow. Don't let irresistible savings dupe you into buying items you don't need.

Know prices. Brand-name products with coupons often cost more than generics without coupons.

Look for hidden costs. A $3 pizza coupon may not seem as good a deal after you figure in the tip for the delivery guy.

Find out if your grocery store will match manufacturers' coupons to double your savings. Many stores will.

Look to layer savings. If a store is offering a coupon on an item and you also have a manufacturer's coupon, use both.

Join grocery store savings clubs and use manufacturers' coupons on club sale items.

Read full original article here.

How to Find Printable Manufacturers' Grocery Coupons

Printable manufacturers' grocery coupons can be found right from the source. Many product websites offer promotional coupons or free samples of their products. These printable manufacturers' grocery coupons range from food and drink to personal care products.

General Mills brands:
Total Cereal has a promotion comparing its health benefits to those of its competitors. In this promotion, anyone who visits their website and examines the comparative nutrition facts can get a free sample of Total. They also advertise sending printable manufacturer's grocery coupons to those who sign up for their "Eat Better America" email club. Also in the General Mills company, the websites for Cheerios cereal, Progresso soup, and Green Giant vegetables offer printable manufacturers' grocery coupons for product discounts. The Betty Crocker website also has a selection of printable grocery coupons for some of its products as well as other coupons from its product family.

Other food brands:
Pillsbury has a section of its website dedicated to printable manufacturer's grocery coupons and special offers for various products. Healthy Choice has a coupon for a discount on its frozen meals. Parents will find Gerber to be an abundant source of coupons after signing up for their email newsletter. Many product websites offer coupons or special offers at various times, so check the websites for your favorite grocery items before shopping.

Jell-O regularly offers coupons on its gelatin and pudding products. The website for Blue Bunny ice cream has a dollar off printable manufacturer's grocery coupon; Edy's ice cream also occasionally includes printable coupons in its email newsletter. Yoplait often provides coupons and free samples on its website.

Personal care manufacturers:
Printable manufacturers' grocery coupons can be found for Charmin and Scott brand paper towels, tissues, and toilet paper on the companies' websites. Both Crest and Colgate toothpaste offer printable manufacturers' grocery coupons on their websites. Degree offers a printable grocery coupon for two dollars off one of its makes of deodorant. A dollar-off coupon is available on the website for Pert Plus shampoo and conditioner. Earlier this year, the Suave website offered a grocery coupon for a free bottle of shampoo. Check the websites of your brands to save money on your grocery bill.

Read full original article here.

How to Get Free Food with Coupons at Walmart

Can you buy $24.90 of items for $0.76 using coupons? I did that very thing just last week. Okay, that's not exactly free but it's about as cheap as they come! And the best thing is these kinds of deals are not an anomaly. I regularly buy over $100 of groceries for less than $10. I get terrific deals with coupons and save scads and scads of money. Want to know how you can do it at Walmart?

Collect coupons. No way around it. Coupons are your ticket for free food. The best source for them is the newspaper coupon inserts. Collect these from friends and others in your community, from recycle bins and hotel lobbies. Use your computer to print them off the internet. Get them any way you can, the more the better. You want multiple copies of the same coupon. You can also email companies and request coupons. And you can buy them for pennies as well. Keep them all well-organized in a way that makes sense to you. And keep them until they expire. They can be left uncut until you need them. Be sure that you understand the terms used.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the internet coupon groups such as HotCouponWorld (my favorite), AFullCup and SlickDeals. Check into their Walmart forums every few days to see what good deals others have found. Also, since Walmart will match any advertised sale price in other local stores. keep your eye on sales at in the other forums for your local stores.

Good deals come in three varieties at Walmart. The first good deal comes in the form of a Walmart's "Everyday Low Price" variety. Walmart does actually have low prices on a great many things. Some high value coupons cover the entire purchase price of some regularly priced items at Walmart. Kraft Live Active Cereal, Johnson's Buddies bar soap, KY Jelly, Zone Nutrition Bars, Kotex Pantiliners, Frito-Lay chips single serve bags, Zantac Maximum Strength have all been free or less than $0.05ea with coupon in the last three months. These are the easiest kind of good deal to take advantage of because the price of the item is constant. All you have to do is make sure you can get into Walmart to redeem it before it expires (and hope they have it in stock).

Secondly, Walmart sometimes does "price rollbacks" - Walmart's term for a sale. At which stores these rollbacks occur and how long they last vary widely. So the price always bears checking before buying. Don't assume that just because you read that they're on sale in one store that they will be the same price at another.

Thirdly, Walmart matches the advertised sale prices of other local stores. If Dove Shampoo is advertised as $1.99 at your local drugstore, you can bring that ad into Walmart and get that same price for the shampoo provided it is exactly the same brand and size.

Once you have found a potential great deal, gather your coupons and zoom on over to Walmart. Coupons are considered a form of payment so simply hand them over when it is time to pay.

When there is a good deal, that's the time to stock up! Get enough for at least several months time. If your pantry won't hold it all, store it in a box under your bed or behind the couch or in the basement. Be creative!

Read full original article here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Get Free Diaper Coupons

Knowing how to get free diaper coupons will save you hundreds of dollars while your child is in diapers. Diapers are so expensive and babies and toddlers go through many of them in a day. Save as much money as you can by collecting coupons before you head for the store.

CHECK THE PACKAGE - Look on the outside of the diaper package. Many times I have found coupons for dollars off of diapers attached to the outside of the package. I know that having a new baby is a busy time, but when you slow down enough to see the outside of the diaper package, you may just notice a diaper coupon stuck on the front.

CHECK WITH THE MANUFACTURER - Go to the manufacturers website or call their toll free phone number to find out if they have some coupons available. You may be able to find printable coupons online for diapers.

SEARCH THE NEWSPAPER ADS - Always check the newspaper ads. There are always diaper coupons in the newspaper.

WATCH YOUR MAIL - Sign up with all of your favorite diaper manufacturers such as Luvs, Pampers and Huggies, to get free information and coupons in the mail. You will receive the best diaper coupons you have ever found right in your mail box.

DON'T GET STUCK IN A RUT - Do not always purchase your diapers at the same location. Sometimes, even after you have already thoroughly checked prices at every store, someone changes their pricing and diapers are automatically cheaper at another location. Do not get stuck in a rut by always purchasing your diapers at the same location.

FREE DIAPERS - Always purchase your diapers at a store that offers the item free if they over charge you for your purchase. On more than one occasion, I have received a large package of diapers free because the wrong price was rung up on the register and I received the item free.

Never buy diapers without a coupon, whenever you see a newspaper lying around, raid it for the diaper coupons.

How to Get Canadian Printable Coupons

Knowing how to get Canadian printable coupons will help you to save hundreds of dollars each year. What could you do with hundreds of dollars extra in your pocket? It is definitely worth it to take the time to research coupons and print them out before your trip to the store.

CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS - Check with Canadian manufacturers to find printable coupons. You can also check with manufacturers in other countries, but if you do, you need to verify that the coupon can still be used in Canada. Most coupons for products in the United States of America can also be used in Canada, but to be safe you should still check. Many times you will be able to print your coupons directly off of the manufacturers website. Try contacting the manufacturers of all of your favorite products or if you have enough time, check with the manufacturers of everything on your grocery store list.

COUPON WEBSITES - Visit coupon websites that specialize in Canadian products. It will not do you any good to print out a lot of coupons that cannot be used in Canada, so once again, you need to check the fine print on the coupons to make sure that you can use it in Canada. Most of the time the United States printable coupons are equivalent to Canadian printable coupons.

PROMOTIONAL ITEMS - Look for promotional offers that give a coupon if you try another product. There are many places that will give you a coupon for a free or discounted product if you make a purchase of a specific product. Read all of the rules and instructions completely because you do not want to make a mistake and not get your free promotional item. Read carefully and follow each step. You can print these coupons or discount certificates online.

NEWSPAPER COUPONS - Clip coupons from your local newspaper. Sunday is your best bet for your favorite products. Milk, meat and produce coupons can be found in your weekly newspaper.

FREE FLYERS - Review the free flyers that come in the mail and the ones located at the front of the supermarket. You can find additional coupons in these places. This is also the location where you may find double coupons.

I have never had a problem finding Canadian printable coupons just the same as finding printable coupons in the United States, luckily many coupons can be used in both countries.

How to Find Cheap Tickets

Knowing how to find cheap tickets will help you to go on more vacations this year. Traveling is fun and relaxing. It is your time to leave your stress and worry behind and enjoy your family and the natural beauty of the earth. Don't allow money issues to keep you from taking a vacation, just spend less.

DESTINATIONS - Let the airline choose your destinations. Research the best travel deals on all of your favorite airlines. If they are offering dirt cheap tickets to Paris, then by all means go to France. Most likely if the airlines are offering cheap tickets, you will also be able to find low cost hotels and other discount excursions. The discount destinations that the airlines offer are usually much cheaper than any other destination. Don't miss out on these incredible prices. You will see parts of the world that you may have not scheduled on your own.

ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES - Research vacation package deals. Package deals that include air fare, hotel and car rental are usually much more affordable. There are even some packages that include all of your food and beverages and some of your entertainment from companies such as Club Med and Sandals. Knowing what all of your expenses will be upfront can save you a lot of money and prove that you can afford a vacation. Food, drinks and activities can be very expensive, it is very nice to have these costs included in your vacation plan.

LAST MINUTE DEAL - Search for cheap tickets at the last minute. If you book within seven days of your travel date you may be able to find excellent deals. You can search for flights for your favorite destination or you can go with the destination that is cheapest at the airline.

Traveling cheap is all about searching ahead of time and being flexible on your dates of travel. If you have rigid dates it is much more difficult to find cheap tickets. The more flexible you are, the more destinations you will be able visit and the more vacations you will be able to afford. Eventually you will end up at your favorite destinations.

The next time that you want to book a vacation, save money by researching the cheap tickets first. If you need hotel information, see the "Resource" section below. Knowing how to find cheap tickets will save you money on your vacation.

How to Get Cheap Internet

Have you been wondering how to get cheap internet service? Everyone is trying to tighten their belts these days and who wants to pay more for internet service than they need to. If you cannot afford internet service, you can actually get free internet service at your home for a limited number of hours per week.

FREE INTERNET - Try free internet if you really cannot afford to pay for internet service or if you are just plain tired of paying for it. There are companies that offer free dial up service that you can use at home. You do need to connect to the internet to set the service up, but you can do so at the library or a friends house. They will either mail you the software that you need or you can download it. It is dial up service, so it is the slowest service available. If you are in an area with poor phone lines, it may be difficult for you to use this free service. There is usually a limit on the number of hours that you can use this free internet service per month. It is about 10-20 hours per month. Free is free, it is worth a try.

LOW COST INTERNET - If you need more than 10-20 hours per month, but you still do not want to pay very much for internet service, you can go for the cheapest internet service which is dial up. You can get dial up for as little as $4.99 per month which is more than it is worth. Dial up is very slow.

If you need something higher quality than dial up, you can try contacting your cable television or telephone provider to see if they offer a low cost internet service option. You may be able to add on a higher grade internet service for a low price.

REMOTE ACCESS - Use satellite or mobile internet service if you live in a rural area or if you travel while using your internet connection. Mobile phone internet access tends to be cheaper and more affordable than satellite and it is portable. There is almost no place in the world that you cannot get internet access.

For more information on cheap internet service, look in the Resources section below. You can get cheap internet or even free internet if you want.

How to Get Car Rental Deals

Knowing how to get car rental deals can save you a lot of money on your next vacation. Car rental companies will not just hand you a discount unless you plan ahead and ask for one or if you go through a discount program to rent your car.

CAR CLUB DISCOUNTS - Always ask for a discount if you are a car club member. Car club memberships usually will get you at least a ten percent discount on a car rental. If you arrange the rental through your car club, you may be able to save even more money.

COMPARE PRICES - Check out the type of car that you want to rent. It helps if you familiarize yourself with the different types of cars available to rent so that you are comparing apples to apples when you check prices. Once you have an idea on what the going rate for the type of vehicle that you want to rent is, you can then try to get a better price. When you are looking at comparing prices of car rentals, make sure you look at the bottom line. Always go by the total and not the price per day or week.

BID DOWN THE PRICE - Visit websites that allow you to bid down the price on your car rental. You can at least give it a try and not accept the offer if it is not low enough.

DISCOUNT CAR RENTALS - Use a discount agency to rent your vehicle. The cars are the same at a discount company as they are at a nationwide expensive car rental agency.

You can get car rental deals if you try.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How to Get Coupons For Target

The retail store, Target, has great prices to start with, but everyone wants to save as much as possible so pick up a few coupons before you head out to Target this weekend.


Pick up a Target coupon book from your local Target store or look in your mailbox to see if you received one in the mail. Target occasionally sends out coupon books with great savings on products that you buy.

Most of the coupons have expiration dates, so be careful that you use them before they expire. There is nothing more disappointing than having a great coupon for an item that you really want to buy just to find that it has already expired.


Visit the Target website on occasion to see if there are coupons that you can print out to take to the store with you.

The Target website also has great discounts and deals for the products that you buy online. You can find all of the things that you need from Women's Apparel, Men's Apparel, Children's, Teens, Toys, Housewares, Books, Electronics, and more.


visit a coupon website that has the products that you want to buy from Target. Many of the grocery store websites will have printable coupons that you can use at Target for items such as milk, bread, cereal and baby food.


Visit the product manufacturer website that has the item that you want to purchase at Target. You may be able to find a coupon for the product that you want to buy and then you can buy it at Target, Kmart, Walmart or Sam's club.

How to Survive This Economic Depression

Knowing how to survive this economic depression can keep your family afloat. It does not matter if the economists label it a recession or a depression or something else, this is a tough time for the pocketbook of most Americans. Tightening up your wallet and making smart decisions will get you through these tough times. For many Americans it feels like the Great Depression is repeating itself right now. Take your financial future into your own hands and protect the future of your family.

WATCH YOUR CART - Watch what you put in your cart when you are shopping. Do you really need it? Learn to recognize when you are purchasing things that are not necessary and wasting your money. Most likely you are purchasing items that you do not need and you will not even notice it when you do not purchase them. You can survive this economic depression if you watch your money closely. This economic crises will eventually pass, but you want to make sure that your family is taken care of right now.

ELIMINATE FAST FOOD - Avoid spending money on fast food. Fast food is bad for your pocketbook and your health. Every time you pass by fast food to eat at home or to go to the grocery store, put $5 dollars in your piggy bank. Not only will you protect your health and the health of your children, but you will save some money in the mean time.

What makes the difference between economic depression survival and catastrophe? The answer is knowing when to cut out unnecessary expenses.

CANCEL UNNECESSARY SUBSCRIPTIONS - Save money by canceling magazine subscriptions, television channels and other monthly expenditures that are not needed. You do not have to give up your favorites, but just the ones that you can do without. Also beware of adding any new unnecessary monthly expenses. Watch out for others that are trying to make money off of you.

ENJOY LIFE - Enjoy life naturally. Save money by enjoying nature. Go hiking, climb a tall mountain, go bird watching, walk by the shore, go shell collecting, draw insects and other activities in nature that are free. Spend time with your children. Read to them, draw with them, teach them about nature. Learn a new language together. It will stimulate your brain and make you a more valuable member of society.

Don't allow inflation to get you down. Enjoy life by spending less money and spending more time with the people that love you.

LEARN TO INVEST - Study investing strategies. There are many companies that will teach you investment strategies for free. Ask friends or relatives that are successful investors to help you get started. Start small and always be frugal. This is an excellent time to begin investing for those that know what they are doing. Take the time to learn so that you can invest wisely.

You can survive this economic depression if you cut out the excess that you won't miss anyway.

How to Get Cheap Long Distance Phone Service

You can find cheap long distance phone service in a variety of sources. Home telephone service, cell phone service and over the internet providers offer free, and low cost internet service. Sometimes the cheapest phone service is the one you would least expect, such as cell phone service.

HOME PHONE SERVICE - Contact your regular home phone service provider so that you can compare prices. Find out if you there is a higher monthly service fee if you need long distance. Also find out what the rates are for the long distance locations that you place calls to. Many times you may find that the most expensive long distance phone service is from your home phone service provider.

If you add up the costs of the monthly fees plus the per telephone call fees you are looking at a high monthly bill regardless of the number of long distance calls that you make.

CELL PHONE SERVICE - Next research the long distance rates for your cell phone. Many times this is an excellent deal because their is just a low monthly rate and no additional charges per call for long distance calls. Make sure you find out all of the details to make sure that it is the best deal for the locations that you are phoning.

Also ask about roaming charges. Make sure that you can make long distance calls even if you are out of your normal service area. You do not want to go on vacation and come home to a large phone bill. Ask ahead of time and save yourself a lot of grief.

You can find cheap long distance phone service if you spend the time to look around.

INTERNET PHONE SERVICE - Check the rates with an internet phone service provider. There are some internet phone service providers that offer free long distance. You only pay a flat rate per year and it includes all local and long distance calls. There is no additional monthly fee or per call fee. Free is the cheapest cheap that I can find. Save yourself a lot of money by using an over the internet phone service provider. Ask them if the quality will be the same as a regular phone line.

You can get cheap or even free long distance phone service.

How to Get Free Manufacturer Coupons Online

Printable coupons can be found in many different locations on the web.

Knowing how to get free manufacturer coupons online will save you hundreds of dollars throughout the year. Manufacturer coupons usually have a higher value than regular coupons that you clip out of the newspaper or that you may find in free coupon packs. Sometimes you can even find coupons for free items or free trial sizes from the manufacturer.

MANUFACTURERS WEBSITES - Visit manufacturers websites to print out coupons. Have you noticed that the manufacturer of your favorite grocery item has a television commercial that mentions a coupon? Manufacturers will sometimes advertise their coupons and then direct you to the internet to print out the coupon. Always check with the manufacturers website for your favorite grocery products. Sometimes the coupon will be for a free item and other times the coupon may be for a free trial size. Either way, manufacturer's coupons are the best kind of coupons and will save you the most money. Check their websites first because the coupons that you can print out there will be better than any other coupons you will find.

COUPONS WEBSITES - Check coupon websites for grocery store manufacturer items before heading to the store. When manufacturers put out a coupon it is normally because they are trying to boost sales. Normally their coupons are better than coupons that you can get from other sources. Coupon websites will have many different manufacturer coupons all in one location, making it very convenient to collect and print out all of the coupons that you need for your next shopping trip. Never buy products just because they are on sale or you have a coupon. Only use coupons for things that you know you want and will use. Knowing how to get free manufacturer coupons online will help you to keep your budget.

INSIDE THE PACKAGE - Check for manufacturer coupons inside of other packages. Many times you will be able to find a coupon for something that you actually use inside the packaging of another product made by that manufacturer. For example, you may find a coupon for pepperoni inside of the salami package. Sometimes you may not even know the products are made by the same company, so check all coupons. Do not leave your extra cash at home, take the time to print out coupons from the convenience of your own home computer.

If you need more information about coupons, please look in the Resources section below. Knowing how to get free manufacturer coupons online will put cash in your pocket.

How to Find Free Food Coupons Online

You can save hundreds of dollars using coupons.

Knowing how to find free food coupons will help you to save thousands of dollars on your grocery bill each year.

Print them out or clip them each week to put extra cash in your pocket.

**Coupon Websites**

Look on a coupon website to find coupons for the products that you buy everyday.

Look below in the Resources section to save more money on coupons.

**Electronic Coupon Machines**

Use the new electronic coupon machine at the grocery store. Some stores now have a machine that you run your store card through when you first arrive.

Coupons print out for specific items and for a flat amount off of your order.

**Grocery Store Websites**

Check on the website for the grocery store nearest your home to find more coupons to save money on your food bill.

**Manufacturer Websites**

Check on the manufacturers website for the products that you purchase most often to find coupons for your favorite products.

Knowing how to find free food coupons can save your family a lot of money in this economy.

**On Packages**

Check on the package of certain foods such as bread to see if there are coupons attached.

**In Store Flier**

Check by the front door of the store to see if there is a coupon brochure with money saving coupons.

How to Get Free Coupons for Groceries Online

If you are tired of clipping coupons out of every newspaper you can find, you should put your scissors down and start printing coupons instead. There are several sources online that make it easy for you to print all of the coupons that are currently available at one time. You can also find coupons for free items directly from the manufacturer.

**Coupon Websites**

Visit a website that is dedicated to coupons. There are many available such as,,, and many others.

Normally all of them have a great selection of coupons that you can choose from. Pick all of the coupons you want and then press print to instantly printout all of your coupons on your home printer.

You will find a wide selection of coupons for a variety of groceries such as produce, meat, dairy, bread, diapers, dog food and anything else you buy at the grocery store.

**Grocery Store Websites**

Find additional discounts on the website for your local grocery store. all grocery stores such as Lucky's, Safeway, Save Mart, Albertson's, Raley's, Nob Hill, Bel Air, Winco, Sam's Club, Costco and Walmart have their own websites.

They normally offer generous discounts on individual items or a percentage off of your entire order.

If you forgot to drop by their website before going to the store, you can always pick up the flier at the front of the store for additional deals and discounts to save on your grocery bill.

**Product Manufacturer Websites**

Visit the websites for products that you buy often. The manufacturers may offer discounts and deals on products that you love or new products that they want you to try.

You may even be able to find a coupon for a completely free item from a manufacturer that you known and trust.

Save money and put extra cash in your pocket by gathering up as many coupons as possible before you go to the store.

Don't let the coupons decide what you will purchase. Buy the food that you know is good and healthy. You can even find coupons for health foods inside health food magazines and in the front of health food stores.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How To Save Money At the Grocery Store

Grocery stores do not normally encourage their customers to buy a hundred dollars worth of groceries for only ten dollars but it can be done. When you think about the amount of time you spend at the grocery store and the number of trips you take to the store, it is worth it to spend a little time trying to save money while you are there.

CLIP OR PRINT COUPONS - Traditional coupons are still available but it is amazing how many coupons you can simply print directly from your printer. Every time you find a product that has a coupon, find out if you can print more than one. If you can then print as many as you expect to buy in the next few months or the maximum allowed. Many products come with coupons attached for your next purchase.

ORGANIZE YOUR COUPONS - Keep your coupons organized. If you have your coupons organized and with you for each trip to the grocery store, the better the chance that you will use them.

IN STORE SALES - Many stores will have excellent sales without the use of a coupon. When an in store sale is just unbelievable, such as your favorite bread on sale for $2.00 when it is normally $4.00. I usually stock up and buy 10 or more (if allowed) and freeze them. Freezing works great for some items and not so well with others. I have found for instance that whole kiwi fruit cannot be frozen.

FOLLOW THE RULES - Many grocery stores will have rules about in store discounts and coupons. Find out what coupons can be used with in store discounts to maximize your savings.

BRING YOUR OWN BAGS - Bringing your own reusable bags not only saves the environment, saves you money but it also may make you money. If you initially invest .99 cents or less to purchase the bag, and then you receive a credit of .05 cents each time you use it, after 20 uses, you are actually making .05 cents for use. Woo hoo, I like that! The key to saving money at the grocery store is being prepared.

Find Free Food and Grocery Coupons Online

Taking the time to find sites that offer free grocery store coupons is well worth the effort. Once you have found legitimate web sites that have coupons that you want, you can go back to them again and again. Every time you use a coupon at the grocery store, it is like putting cash right into your pocket. When I look at a coupon, I visualize a dollar bill. To me it is the same as cash. Use them or lose. Many coupons expire, so watch out for expiration dates.

SEARCH ONLINE - I have put links to some grocery coupon web sites in the resources below, but this area is changing a lot, so I recommend that you occasionally type "free grocery store coupons" in your search engine to see if any new sites have become available.

TV ADS - Keep your ears open for television ads that are directing you to a web site to print a coupon. Many TV ads will show a picture of a coupon or just say to visit their website.

NEVER PAY FOR COUPONS - Coupons should always be free or they are not really a coupon. Watch out for scams, there are scams in every area of the internet so be careful. There are people that sell clipped coupons on ebay and this is legitimate if you want to pay someone else to do the work for you. I don't really think it is worth it.

KEEP THEM ORGANIZED - To save money at the grocery store, you need to have the coupons with you and organized so that you can find the ones that you need quickly. There are many organizers for coupons, they look like small recipe files. Print out as many as you are allowed to print out and that you think you will use. Make sure you note the expiration date. I usually file them in my organizer by expiration date (in each section) so that I use them efficiently.

How to Get Free Ice Cream Coupons Online

Before you leave for the store, make sure you check online to get a free discount coupon for your favorite ice cream. If it is your birthday you can do even better.

FREE BIRTHDAY ICE CREAM - Most large chain ice cream shops offer a free scoop of ice cream on your birthday. Check with your favorite ice cream retailer and sign up for your free cone. Most stores require you to sign up in advance for the free cone, they will then send you a coupon in the mail for you to take into the ice cream parlor.

- Before you leave for the grocery store, do not forget your extra cash in the form of coupons. I can always find a coupon for ice cream for one brand or another. I absolutely love to put cash in my pocket by whipping out my stack of coupons. Ice cream prices have increased recently, so make sure you don't forget to print out your coupons of your favorite brands. Websites such as has lists of printable coupons so you can easily scroll down the list to see what you are interested in.

LOCAL STORE AND NEWSPAPER COUPONS - My local stores will sometimes have specials on my favorite ice cream. Always check your ads before you go to the store. If you do not it is like paying extra for no reason.

- Always check your receipt to make sure you were charged correctly for your purchase. It seems like there is at least one mistake every trip to the market. Now you know how to get free ice cream discount coupons online.

How to Get Free Stuff At The Grocery Store

Have you been wondering how to get free stuff at the grocery store? It is easier than you think, but you must prepare ahead of time or diligently review your receipt as you are being rung up.

WRITE A LETTER TO THE MANUFACTURER - Write a letter to the manufacturer of a product that you are interested in. The letter can describe a good or a bad experience with the product or you can tell the makers how much you love their product. Either way, they will most likely send you a coupon for one of their items. This is worth it if you have a problem with their product. They have the opportunity to make things right with you.

CHECK YOUR RECEIPT - It is best to watch while your items are being rung up to see if you are overcharged for anything. If you were not paying attention then make sure that you check your receipt thoroughly before you leave the store. Most major grocery store chains will give you the item free if you were charged the wrong price for the item.

LOOK FOR COUPONS - Make a list of everything you plan to buy at the store and then check for coupons online and in the news paper before you go to the store. Sometimes they will have the ads near the front of the store so that you can check on any coupons that have recently been advertised. Grab one as you enter the store if you do already have one.

How to Keep Your Grocery Store Coupons Organized

Just like you have a place for you money in your wallet, you need to have a place for coupons because the are just as valuable as cash. If you have a lot of coupons you may need an organizer.

- You can actually purchase an organizer that is specifically made to organize coupons. You can also make one yourself by using an expandable envelope holder. You should keep you organizer in or near your purse or in your car. Don't forget to take it in the store with you.

SPECIFIC STORES - If you have coupons that must be used at a specified store, then you will need to keep those coupons in their own compartment labeled for that store. It is best to have them organized in date order with the ones expiring first in front. If your coupon expires you will be disappointed so watch your expiration dates.

ORGANIZE BY BRAND NAME - Keep your coupons organized by brand name. Label each section with the brand name and store the coupons in order by expiration date. This makes it easier when you are moving around the grocery store to quickly find the coupons that you need.

Get Free Grocery Store Meat Coupons Online

Meat is too expensive to purchase without a coupon.

Don't go to the grocery store without your coupons for meat. Meat, poultry and fish have become very pricey, a good coupon can bring them into a reasonable price range. There are many other places to find meat coupons.

GIVEAWAYS - Watch out for free meat giveaways in your area. Many times other companies will give meat away to promote their products. Look for free beef coupons with your new set of tires or oil change.

- Many times you can find a free meat coupon on foods that go with meat. Foods such as fine wine, potatoes or other foods will have a meat discount coupon attached. Sauces for fish, meat and poultry may also have a grocery store meat coupon attached.

ON THE PACKAGE - Don't forget to take the coupon off of your meat package for your next meat purchase. Place your coupons in your purse or coupon organizer so that you have them handy for your next trip to the store.

ONLINE - The best place to find coupons for meat, fish and chicken is online there are literally hundreds of places to get great meat coupons. There are websites such as:, and

How to Reduce Your Grocery Store Bill

Everyone needs to know how to reduce your grocery store bill. There is no sense in spending extra money if you do not absolute have to spend it.

CLEANING SUPPLIES - Cleaning supplies are very expensive at the grocery store. You may want to try to purchase these items at a club store such as Sam's Club, Winco Foods or Costco.
You can also make your own cleaning supplies. Vinegar is one of the best cleaners. A large bottle of vinegar is cheaper than most cleaners. It can be use to clean the kitchen, bathroom and as a fabric softener in the laundry.

PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS - Personal care products add unnecessary dollars to our grocery store bill. You can check the prices at your local drug store, more often than not they are much cheaper. If they do not have what you need, you can also check the prices at the club stores.

MEDICINES - Over the counter medicines are always really expensive at the grocery store. They know they can charge you more for your night time cold medicine because they are the only place open at 11 pm. Save money and reduce your bill at the grocery store by planning ahead and stocking up on your favorite over the counter medicines at a club store, discount store or local drug store.

CANDY and TREATS - The cost of a candy bar at the grocery store is at least 30% more than at the drug store or a discount store such as Target. Buy your candy at the drug store, discount store or club store to save money.

I do not recommend buying all of your groceries at a large club store. You may end up buying much more than you need or can even use. Even at the club stores you need to check the prices to see if they compare.

How to Save Money Grocery Shopping

Everyone needs to know how to save money grocery shopping. We all need to do it and a large part of monthly budgets go to food purchases.

PLAN AHEAD - Make out your meal plan for the week. Making a meal plan and following it will help you to save a lot of money grocery shopping. Plan bargain and healthy meals. For example, cans of tomato sauce, whole wheat pasta, (optional ground beef), salad and dressing makes a very healthy and inexpensive meal.

GROCERY LIST - Make your grocery list based on your meal plan and snacks. Making an accurate list can save you time and money at the grocery store.

DON'T BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE - There are things at the grocery store that you can find much cheaper other places such as discount stores, online stores or club stores. Things such as toiletries, cleaning products and dog food should not be purchased at the grocery store. You can save money grocery shopping if you make your purchases at the stores that are the least expensive for that item.

COUPONS - Clip and print coupons out before every shopping trip. You are bound to find a coupon for something that you are buying and it is like cash in your pocket. Use coupons to save money grocery shopping.

How To Get Free Grocery Store Produce Coupons Online

Clip and print all of the produce coupons you can find.

Don't forget to bring your grocery store produce coupons with you every time you go grocery shopping. Coupons are like cash in your pocket and they need to be treated as such. You would not forget your cash to pay for the groceries so do not forget your coupons.

REGISTER PRINTOUTS - One of the few places you can get free coupons that can be used for fresh produce is right at the register. Check the register printouts for fresh produce coupons or coupons that can be used for any food items at the store. It takes a lot of work to find free grocery store produce coupons, but you can find them if you look hard enough.

ONLINE - There are numerous grocery store coupon websites that you can use to print out produce coupons. Check out all of your favorite websites and take the time to print them out before you leave for the store.

ON THE PACKAGE - Many packaged produce products such as salads sometimes offer coupons stuck to the outside of the package. Don't forget to look for this extra savings and make sure that the check out clerk remembers to scan the coupon at check out.

- Check the newspaper and free in the mail ads for produce coupons before you head for the store.

DON'T BE PICKY - If you can find some free grocery store produce coupons don't be picky. Trying a new kind of vegetable or fruit may be good for you. Fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds are healthy so branch out a little.

MATCH IT WITH A SALE - If you really want to save money at the grocery store, match your produce coupons with sale items. You can find free grocery store produce coupons online and other places if you just take the time to look. It is like looking for cash.

How to Find Printable Grocery Store Coupons Online

You can print and clip money saving coupons right off of your own printer.

It is easier than ever to save money at the grocery store. You only need to find printable grocery store coupons online and send them to the printer. Spend a few minutes before each trip to the store searching a printing and put cash in your pocket. Make sure you keep track of the expiration dates and any requirements of using the coupons. It's like printing your own money. Coupons should be treated just like cash, don't leave them at home.

COUPON WEBSITES - Peruse a coupon website. There are numerous coupon websites that collect coupon information from a variety of manufacturers. Coupon websites have most of the coupons you need in one place. When you are looking for coupons it is the best place to start. You may find everything that you need at just one website. Coupon websites are definitely an excellent place to find printable grocery store coupons online. Beware of scams, make sure you are printing coupons to use at the grocery store with no strings attached or other purchases to make.

- Check out manufacturers that have products you need or want. Manufacturers, especially ones with a recent product will offer discounts on their websites. Coupons directly from manufacturers are usually the highest dollar amount of any coupons you will find. Usually they will allow you to print a coupon every time you purchase the product while the coupons are still available. You can find printable grocery store coupons online for excellent products that you use every day or want to use.

FREE OFFER WEBSITES - Look for free offer websites online. Free offers are even better than coupons. Why pay anything when you can get something for free. Sometimes free offers may require a purchase. Just be aware of scams that require you to sign up for a monthly offer for a fee. The item is not free if your credit card is being charged every month for an additional product or service. You want to find legitimate printable grocery store coupons online to save money now.

FOLLOW THE RULES - Each coupon may have its own rules about how it can be used and how many coupons you can print. Read all of the information available because you do not want any surprises at the grocery store. You need to find printable grocery store coupons online that you can actually use and not be suckered into buying something just because you have a coupon for it.

How to Get Free Grocery Store Chicken Coupons Online

Everyone should take the time to print coupons before going to the store.

Everyone needs to know how to get free grocery store chicken coupons online to save money. Having coupons is like having extra cash in your wallet. If you take the time to print out coupons before you go to the store, you will be so proud of yourself and you will make your wallet fatter.

CHICKEN PRODUCTS - Look on chicken related products for coupons for chicken. Products such as stuffing, boxed mashed potatoes, gravy, marinades and seasonings may have coupons attached for chicken.

BE DILIGENT - Sit down at your computer before each trip to the store or take the time to print out all your coupons once a week and save yourself time. Have your grocery store list in your hand when you are at the computer. Look up each item on your list. It will be worth your time. Keep them organized and always remember to take your coupons to the store with you. Once you get in to the habit, you will never forget again.

COUPON WEBSITES - Visit coupon websites that offer coupons on a variety of products. You can normally find some chicken coupons of some type. It may be frozen chicken, breaded chicken or pre-seasoned chicken, but it will be chicken. It is best if you can find coupons for fresh chicken, you can always freeze it if you need to.

MANUFACTURERS - Check out the manufacturers websites for your favorite brand of chicken. Tyson, Foster Farms and other manufacturers have many promotions and a variety of products. You can usually find chicken coupons on manufacturers websites. Do not forget to print your free grocery store chicken coupons online before going to the store.

How to Get Free Grocery Store Beef Coupons Online

Beef can be very expensive, do not go to the store without a coupon.

You have been wondering how to get free grocery store beef coupons online. Beef and beef products are very expensive, you may not want to purchase beef if you cannot save some money on it. Just spend a few minutes before your trip to the store to find and print your beef coupons and you will be happy to save money and put cash in your pocket. Beef coupons can also be found on packages and at the register.

GROCERY STORE PROMOTIONS - Watch out for grocery store promotions. You can save the most money on fresh beef with grocery store promotions. They will put coupons in your weekly mailers to bring you in to buy beef because they know that you will also buy all of the products to go with it such as marinades, vegetables and side dishes.

ONLINE - Print and clip coupons off of the internet. Numerous websites offer coupons for all sorts of products including beef. It is important that you check each time that you go to the grocery store because you never know what kind of coupons you will find. Coupons are like cash in your pocket. You hand them to the clerk and the amount is subtracted off of your bill. Take the time to save money on your groceries.

BEEF PRODUCERS WEBSITES - Check out the beef producers websites for your favorite beef or beef products before you head to the store. Manufacturers will post coupons on their websites for beef, beef jerky, salami, beef bullion and other beef products. You can get free grocery store beef coupons online.

PACKAGES - Look on the package for instant savings coupons while you are still at the store. These coupons usually have to be used at the time of purchase. If you do not notice it until you get home, just take it back to the store the next time you go and use it then. You can also find beef grocery store coupons on other beef related products such as barbeque sauce.

AT CHECK OUT - Review your cash register printout every time you go to the grocery store. You may find some awesome coupons for beef or beef products. Grocery stores and manufacturers will give out coupons to customers based on what they normally purchase. If you normally purchase beef and beef products you will most likely receive some beef or beef product coupons, either on the day of your purchase or on another trip to the grocery store.

Don't forget your coupons at home. If you need to, keep them in your card so that you always have them handy. You should also pay attention to the expiration dates because their is nothing more frustrating than an expired coupon, especially if it is for a product that you normally purchase.

You can easily find free grocery store beef coupons online and in several other locations before you head to the store.

How to Get Free Grocery Store Organic Food Coupons Online

You can find coupons for healthy food.

You can find grocery store organic food coupons for healthy foods. Many people believe that coupons are only for unhealthy foods. You can find coupons for healthy foods if you look. Of course you still need to look at the label because even if it is organic, it does not necessarily mean it is healthy.

HEALTH FOOD STORES - Pick up some coupons while you are at the health food store. Natural food stores are the best place to find coupons for organic foods and healthy foods. You may even be able to get a free sample or get a coupon for a free new organic item.

- Pick up a copy of your favorite health and nutrition magazine. They are normally packed with coupons for healthy and organic products. You can find plenty of grocery store organic food coupons in health magazines.

- Check for coupons directly on the healthy food that you already purchase. Many times there are coupons attached or part of the packaging. This is very common among organic products because they are always trying to promote their products or new organic products.

- Check online at the manufacturers website before you head to the store. The manufacturers usually have printable grocery store coupons online.

How to Get Free Canadian Grocery Store Coupons Online

Saving money in Canada is just as important as the rest of the world.

If you live in Canada or are just visiting you will want to know how to get free Canadian grocery store coupons online to save money. Spend a few minutes researching and printing coupons and save money at all of your favorite Canadian stores.

CANADIAN GROCERY STORE COUPON WEBSITES - Research Canadian coupons online to save money at the store. There are many grocery store coupon websites for Canadian shoppers. They normally have coupons for a wide variety of products so that you do not need to spend too much time looking around for coupons.

CANADIAN PRODUCT MANUFACTURERS - Check with the manufacturers of your favorite products to see if they have any printable coupons on their websites. Manufacturers are always trying to promote sales of their products by issuing coupons. You can easily find Canadian grocery store coupons online.

MAIL FLIERS - Check in your mail box before you head to the store just in case there are some coupon flyers in there. Of course you will need to be a Canadian resident to receive these coupon flyers.

IN STORE FLIERS - Check at the front of the store for a flyer with coupons. They are normally placed right by the front door of the store. There are usually some coupons that you may need waiting for you to pick them up.

ATTACHED TO PRODUCTS - Look for coupons at the grocery store while you are there. Remember that coupons are like cash so look for them every where you can.
You can easily find Canadian grocery store coupons and remember to take them to the store to save money.

How to Get Free Grocery Store Milk Coupons

Save money on milk every day.

Free grocery store milk coupons can be found in various locations. Coupons are easily found online, in flyers and directly from manufacturers. Never leave your coupons at home, even if you are going to a different store, sometimes you can use your coupons for one store at a competing store. The grocery store does not want to lose your business, so they will gladly accept their competitors coupons.

WRITE TO MANUFACTURERS - Take the time to write a note to the manufacturer of your favorite milk or dairy product. Manufacturers love to hear from their customers and they will reward the effort with a great coupon. The coupon may be for a free item or for a large discount amount. Your small investment of a postage stamp, may save you $4.00 at the grocery store.

MANUFACTURERS WEBSITES - Visit your favorite milk manufacturer or dairy website. You will find any possible promotions or coupons on the site. Remember to visit the site before each trip to the grocery store. You may find exactly what you are looking for.

MAIL FLYERS - Look through all of the flyers that have built up in your mail box before each trip to the grocery store. Even if the flyer is for Safeway and you are going to Albertsons, take it with you to the store. Grocery stores will accept their competitors coupons to keep you as a customer. It is always worth a try.

IN STORE ADS - Check the ads by the front door as you enter the grocery store. There may be coupons for your favorite milk or milk products. If your milk is not on sale, this may be the time for you to try an alternative.

TWO FOR $ MILK DISCOUNTS - Always buy the milk that is discounted if you by two gallons. Not all stores offer this discount, so do not buy your milk there. The two for discount is usually a large amount so do not miss out on this savings. Milk is too expensive for you to pass up a discount.

MILK ALTERNATIVES - Find even more milk coupons by trying a new product. More coupons can be found for newer items such as organic milk, soy milk, or rice milk.
You can find free grocery store milk coupons if you take the time to look.

How to Get Free Diaper Coupons

Find Luvs or your favorite diaper coupons online.

Knowing how to get free diaper coupons will save you hundreds of dollars while your child is in diapers. Diapers are so expensive and babies and toddlers go through many of them in a day. Save as much money as you can by collecting coupons before you head for the store.

CHECK THE PACKAGE - Many times I have found coupons for dollars off of diapers attached to the outside of the package. I know that having a new baby is a busy time, but when you slow down enough to see the outside of the diaper package, you may just notice a diaper coupon stuck on the front.

CHECK WITH THE MANUFACTURER - Go to the manufacturers website or call their toll free phone number to find out if they have some coupons available. You may be able to find printable coupons online for diapers.

SEARCH THE NEWSPAPER ADS - Always check the newspaper ads. There are always diaper coupons in the newspaper.

WATCH YOUR MAIL - Sign up with all of your favorite diaper manufacturers such as Luvs, Pampers and Huggies, to get free information and coupons in the mail. You will receive the best diaper coupons you have ever found right in your mail box.

DON'T GET STUCK IN A RUT - Do not always purchase your diapers at the same location. Sometimes, even after you have already thoroughly checked prices at every store, someone changes their pricing and diapers are automatically cheaper at another location. Do not get stuck in a rut by always purchasing your diapers at the same location.

FREE DIAPERS - Always purchase your diapers at a store that offers the item free if they over charge you for your purchase. On more than one occasion, I have received a large package of diapers free because the wrong price was rung up on the register and I received the item free.
Never buy diapers without a coupon, whenever you see a newspaper lying around, raid it for the diaper coupons.

How to Get Canadian Printable Coupons

Find Canadian printable coupons online.

Knowing how to get Canadian printable coupons will help you to save hundreds of dollars each year. What could you do with hundreds of dollars extra in your pocket? It is definitely worth it to take the time to research coupons and print them out before your trip to the store.

CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS - Check with Canadian manufacturers to find printable coupons. You can also check with manufacturers in other countries, but if you do, you need to verify that the coupon can still be used in Canada. Most coupons for products in the United States of America can also be used in Canada, but to be safe you should still check. Many times you will be able to print your coupons directly off of the manufacturers website. Try contacting the manufacturers of all of your favorite products or if you have enough time, check with the manufacturers of everything on your grocery store list.

- Visit coupon websites that specialize in Canadian products. It will not do you any good to print out a lot of coupons that cannot be used in Canada, so once again, you need to check the fine print on the coupons to make sure that you can use it in Canada. Most of the time the United States printable coupons are equivalent to Canadian printable coupons.

- Look for promotional offers that give a coupon if you try another product. There are many places that will give you a coupon for a free or discounted product if you make a purchase of a specific product. You can print these coupons or discount certificates online.

NEWSPAPER COUPONS - Clip coupons from your local newspaper. Sunday is your best bet for your favorite products. Milk, meat and produce coupons can be found in your weekly newspaper.

How to Find Free Restaurant Coupons Online

You can find free coupons to use at your favorite restaurants.

Knowing how to find free restaurant coupons online will help you to save money. Restaurants have many more coupons available than most people know. Most of us do not think to find a coupon first when we are eating out unless we are getting a pizza. Check online and in the newspaper before heading out to your favorite restaurant.

REGISTER ONLINE - Register for your favorite restaurant online. You can register all of the members of your family. Register their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Each time a special day arrives you will receive free coupons in the mail. The coupons will give you substantial discounts on the things that you love. You will receive free meals, free desserts and other freebies just for registering.

You and your family will enjoy substantial discounts at your favorite restaurants using coupons that you received for free.

You will also be informed of any special events and parties that the restaurant may have which may include other free offers such as free wine tasting and sampling parties.

TELL A FRIEND - Take advantage of restaurants that offer rewards for referring friends. Sign up with your favorite restaurant. They will issue you discount coupon cards that you can give to your friends. Your friend will get a discount off of their food bill and you will receive a referral bonus. The bonus' include cash off of your meals, free meals, free desserts, free appetizers and more.

Ask at your favorite restaurant to see if they have a program that will benefit both you and your friend. Your friend will thank you and you will enjoy free food at your favorite restaurant. If your favorite restaurant does not have such a program, suggest it to them.

Knowing how to find free restaurant coupons online will help you to afford the restaurants that you love.

NEWSPAPERS - Check with your local newspaper to see if your favorite restaurant included any current coupons. You may be able to find coupons for free happy hour appetizers, free meals and free desserts for the best restaurants in town.

Check your mail box to see if your recent pack of flyers has any restaurant coupons. You do not want to leave these valuable coupons at home. Not only will they put cash in your pocket, but they will also allow you to live well.

If you need more information, please look here. Knowing how to find free restaurant coupons will keep you enjoying life.