Grocery stores do not normally encourage their customers to buy a hundred dollars worth of groceries for only ten dollars but it can be done. When you think about the amount of time you spend at the grocery store and the number of trips you take to the store, it is worth it to spend a little time trying to save money while you are there.
CLIP OR PRINT COUPONS - Traditional coupons are still available but it is amazing how many coupons you can simply print directly from your printer. Every time you find a product that has a coupon, find out if you can print more than one. If you can then print as many as you expect to buy in the next few months or the maximum allowed. Many products come with coupons attached for your next purchase.
ORGANIZE YOUR COUPONS - Keep your coupons organized. If you have your coupons organized and with you for each trip to the grocery store, the better the chance that you will use them.
IN STORE SALES - Many stores will have excellent sales without the use of a coupon. When an in store sale is just unbelievable, such as your favorite bread on sale for $2.00 when it is normally $4.00. I usually stock up and buy 10 or more (if allowed) and freeze them. Freezing works great for some items and not so well with others. I have found for instance that whole kiwi fruit cannot be frozen.
FOLLOW THE RULES - Many grocery stores will have rules about in store discounts and coupons. Find out what coupons can be used with in store discounts to maximize your savings.
BRING YOUR OWN BAGS - Bringing your own reusable bags not only saves the environment, saves you money but it also may make you money. If you initially invest .99 cents or less to purchase the bag, and then you receive a credit of .05 cents each time you use it, after 20 uses, you are actually making .05 cents for use. Woo hoo, I like that! The key to saving money at the grocery store is being prepared.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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